HR Data Analysis

Expenses, VAT and HMRC Compliance in a Nutshell
When it comes to expenses, VAT, compliance and HMRC guidelines, it is not always clear what best-practice...

What is meant by Intersectional Equity and why does it matter?
Technology is everywhere, from playrooms to boardrooms. But people individuals are the hands, hearts,...
Voldoen aan digitaleverwachtingen in definanciële dienstverlening
In heel Europa is de honger van consumenten naar digitale diensten onverzadigbaar. Hoe kunnen financiële...

The New Normal that the Pandemic will Unleash on Business
The coronavirus pandemic has forced every large company to move knowledge work from their offices to...

Engagement and Retention Report - UK
The UK has a well-recognised productivity problem. Many of the causes of low labour productivity are...

The importance of intergenerational collaboration
Gender and age are two of the most frequently used characteristics to identify individuals because they...

5 Ways to take control of employee spend
Employee expenses are expensive. Supplier invoices – inefficient. Employees cost your company cash...

10 Business Travel Trends for 2019
The business travel industry appears poised for continuing growth and expansion worldwide, influenced...

Top five strategies for better digital onboarding
Employee onboarding is a crucial phase of the hiring process. It should start the moment a role has been...

HCM Cloud/ERP Cloud Benchmark Report
To support continual change, the finance and HR functions within the business must also continue to innovate...

People Success Toolkit: Well-Being
Looking out for employee engagement and well-being during times of rapid change and uncertainty is incredibly...
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